The Virtual Microscope

The virtual Microscope enables people to view geological samples online. This animation was constructed by creating an illustration of a volcano in Adobe Illustrator. I then created the sprite offset in Illustrator so that my artwork resembled an ‘old school’ 35mm film strip of 8 frames. I worked out the CSS3 animation properties on paper. … Continue reading “The Virtual Microscope”


The nQuire platform serves to provide a sandbox for those people interested in science and research. Participants can take part in research projects or author a project themselves. nQuire was developed in partnership between The Open University and the BBC. My role was to work with an external agency; Clearleft, to develop a user experience … Continue reading “nQuire”


The Kepler-444 system is a star estimated to be 11.2 billion years old. In 2015 the Kepler spacecraft detected the presence of five exoplanets orbiting the star.

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